How a Woman Came to be Named Titanic

Leah Aks and Celiney Yasbeck shared many things in common. They both came to America as young immigrants and settled in the Norfolk area. They both were married in their mid-teens. And they both survived the sinking of the Titanic. When the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic was remembered in April, it was an international event. “The Titanic is one of those stories that the public seems to latch onto. I think part of our fascination with it is because of all of the hype about the launch and it being unsinkable. Then on the maiden voyage to have it end as tragically as it did,” said Armalita Holley with the Mariner’s Museum. She organized the museum’s Titanic Day in April. While the last survivor of the disaster died in 1997, survivors’ families are still alive Read more…

My Bookshelf: Titanic's Last Secrets by Brad Matsen

Though I enjoy stories about the Titanic, I doubt I would have bought this book if not for the subtitle. I really enjoyed the book Shadow Divers so a book that promised “The Further Adventures of Shadow Divers John Chatterton and Richie Kohler” caught my attention. The fact that it was about the Titanic was secondary. Titanic’s Last Secrets differed from Shadow Divers in that it wasn’t so much about Chatterton and Kohler. The majority of the book tells the story of the Titanic’s construction and subsequent sinking. Most of this is not new material. However, as the book promises, new revelations are made from both an examination of the wreck and a surprise expert. The wreckage threw a lot of doubt on how the Titanic sunk. The bow did not rise up as it does in paintings and movies. Read more…