Where did the Dwayyo away go?

Was it a man or beast, and just where did the name Dwayyo come from? At the end of November 1965, John Becker heard a noise in his backyard. When he went to investigate and found a six-foot-tall creature covered in black fur with a bushy tail. The two fought and the beast ran off. Becker called the Maryland State Police to report the creature, calling it a Dwayyo. Besides what the beast was, the origin of the name was never explained. Becker told the police that he lived on Fern Rock Road, a narrow dirt road near the entrance of Gambrill State Park. The police tried to investigate the call, but they couldn’t find a John Becker in Frederick County or a Fern Rock Road. Most people assumed the call was a prank or that the man had had too much Read more…