LOOKING BACK 1914: The new business was “smoking” hot

The doors of 121 Baltimore Street had been closed for more than a month in 1914. Many people thought the bowling alley that had occupied the space had gone out of business and they were right. However, V.T. Wolford and his son were set to open something new and better in the business space. On Sept. 3, 1914, the Cumberland Press announced that a new club called, The Smoke Shop, “will throw open its doors this evening as the finest cigar store and pocket billiard room in the state.” The bowling alleys were gone and in their place were five of the finest pocket billiard tables available. As for the cigars, “The management has endeavored to place in their store every known brand of high-grade cigars, tobacco and cigarettes and have adopted as their motto for this department, ‘We dare Read more…