The circus comes to York, Pa.

Early Wednesday morning, July 19, 1933, a long train arrived in York and stopped near the fairground. The Sam B. Dill Circus had arrived. “Young America, having caught the infectious circus spirit is likely to be in ahead of both morning orb and circus and be on the lot along with enthusiastic adults to greet the show train on its arrival there,” The York Dispatch reported the day before the train’s arrival. The unloading and setting up of the circus tents and shows worked smoothly. All of the performers knew their jobs. They had been doing it multiple times each week since the circus had opened its season in Dallas, Tex., on April 9. Wagons containing the menagerie were rolled down ramps. Trunks were carried off to other areas. Elephants and roustabouts worked to raise the big top as the Read more…

Looking Back: The 'reel' Bill Cody comes to Chambersburg

You could be forgiven for the confusion in 1932 when it was said that Bill Cody was coming to Chambersburg with his Wild West show. But Buffalo Bill Cody had died in 1917 so how could he be visiting Chambersburg 15 years after he died? This Bill Cody was a B-movie actor with Universal Studios. His latest picture had been released a week earlier called “Mason of the Mounted” so his name was familiar among residents. It had also helped him find work in Hollywood, though Cody had no relationship with Buffalo Bill other than their names. He had been born in St. Paul, Minn., in 1891, at a time when Buffalo Bill and his Wild West show were already legendary. Bill Cody had his own Wild West show and he brought it with him in his $50,000 train (an Read more…