First Lincoln Assassination Report Found After 147 Years

This summer, we’ll hear that Abraham Lincoln is a vampire still living today. Luckily, we can also read an interesting non-fiction report that hasn’t been seen since 1865. The first doctor to reach President Abraham Lincoln after he was shot wrote his report on the day that Lincoln died.

Dr. Charles Leale, the first doctor to treat Abraham Lincoln after John Wilkes Booth shot him in 1865. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

However, his report was filed away in the National Archives and believed to not have been seen since that time.I saw this story and found it interesting. I’ve read some books about the Lincoln assassination and even written a little about it. There are so many books out there about Lincoln that it’s hard to find something new about him (hopefully, you don’t consider Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter a fresh view).
Dr. Charles Leale was 40 feet from Lincoln in Ford’s Theater the night the President was shot. He rushed to Lincoln’s side and found the President paralyzed, comatose and leaning against his wife.
Leale saw Booth with a dagger and thought that the President had been stabbed, but he quickly discovered the truth.
“I commenced to examine his head (as no wound near the shoulder was found) and soon passed my fingers over a large firm clot of blood situated about one inch below the superior curved line of the occipital bone,” Leale wrote. “The coagula I easily removed and passed the little finger of my left hand through the perfectly smooth opening made by the ball.”
Researchers reading the manuscript believe that the reason Lincoln lived as long as he did was because of Leale’s efforts to preserve his life.
Reading about the length of time that the report was missing made me remember this other story about something related to the Lincoln assassination went missing for a long time. Did you know that Lincoln conspirator, Lewis Powell’s head was discovered in the Smithsonian Institution in 1993? It was reburied in a small coffin in Florida on Veteran’s Day 1994. The rest of his body has yet to be found.
Here’s the story:
