Echoes of War Drums

Echoes of War Drums

The Civil War in Mountain Maryland

By James Rada, Jr.

Draft riots, spies, kidnapping, and skirmishes

Western Maryland may not have seen major Civil War battles, but it saw action

Though the mountains of Western Maryland were not the site of any major battles during the Civil War, the area did have its share of activity and minor skirmishes.

Read about…

  • The daring McNeill’s Ranger raid into Union-occupied Cumberland to kidnap two generals.
  • The underground Confederate Post Office that operated in Western Maryland.
  • The Sisters of Charity who nursed the wounded and sick soldiers in the region.
  • The C&O Canal president who was imprisoned for treason.
  • The day that Cumberland was in the Confederacy.

Discover Western Maryland’s connections with famous events

In addition, you’ll discover stories of Western Maryland’s connections with events like the Battle of Antietam and the battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac.

Ponder the unusual stories from the Civil War

Who is the forgotten Civil War general buried in Garrett County? How could the son of a Confederate veteran still be alive in the 21st century?

Don’t miss this great collection!

Echoes of War Drums is a collection of three dozen stories and more than 50 pictures of the Civil War in Mountain Maryland.


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